
Royal Park Convention 3F

29 Itaewon-ro, Yongsan District, Seoul Korea

Contact Us
+82 010-9565-8019 (Boris Ondo)
+82 02-562-8220

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Seoul, South-Korea

Cultural Tour Arrangement Offer

Training Host city as An International Hub & Dynamic City of Inspiration:

As the program marks its 11th year, it opens its doors to a global audience for the first time, offering an English edition in Seoul. This expansion is a testament to the program's enduring impact and its universal appeal.

Participants now have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a learning experience that transcends geographical boundaries, supported by the dynamic city of Seoul's inspirational backdrop.

This story of growth, innovation, and transformation continues to unfold, inviting professionals from around the world to join a journey that promises not just skill enhancement but a profound personal and professional metamorphosis.

Contact US

+82 02-562-8220

서울 강남구 테헤란로22길 9 

아름다운빌딩 9층


통신판매신고번호 : 제 2015-서울강남-01260 호 | 호스팅제공자 : (주)아임웹 | 개인정보관리책임자 : 임순미