▶ Non-profit : This applies to cases where the digit in the identification card is one of 80, 82, 83, and 89.
▶ If you wish to retake the conference, please contact us one-on-one. For groups of 15 or more, please call in advance.
Inquiries : 02-562-8220 / info@koofa.kr
▶ Payment Method by Country Residence:
- If you're residing in Korea (using a Korean number) you can make your payment in Korean Won, through the Korean website. (Click)
- If you're overseas residing (other country than Korea) you can make your payment in US$ through the English website. (Click)
▶ Non-profit : This applies to cases where the digit in the identification card is one of 80, 82, 83, and 89.
▶ If you wish to retake the conference, please contact us one-on-one. For groups of 15 or more, please call in advance.
Inquiries : 02-562-8220 / info@koofa.kr
▶ Payment Method by Country Residence:
Contact US
+82 02-562-8220
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©2024. Koo Facilitation Group
통신판매신고번호 : 제 2015-서울강남-01260 호 | 호스팅제공자 : (주)아임웹 | 개인정보관리책임자 : 임순미